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S-Works Power Cranks – Dual-Sided

No matter your skill level or experience on the bike, there's no better way to enhance your training and racing performance than by riding with a power meter. Lucky for you, we've combined our incredibly light and stiff carbon fiber S-Works road cranks with dual-sided power measurement, making it the lightest (440g/172.5mm) and most accurate power meter available.

The development of Power Cranks began with our Human Performance Team looking at riders in realistic scenarios on the bike. Historically, power meters have been validated by two different methods—one is by measuring the produced torque by applying a static, linear load to a crankarm or chainring, while the second uses a power generating motor to pedal the bike. Well, cycling is neither static nor linear, and humans apply power much differently than a machine. So, we found that neither of these methods answer the "real-world" accuracy question.

To get the best test for accuracy, in all types of riding scenarios, we built our own cycling treadmill, the WinMill, to measure power output to a known truth. This new benchmark lets us evaluate accuracy under all riding conditions—seated versus standing, various power and cadence levels, different weights, and a myriad of gear. This data acquisition process is our gold-standard for testing power meters, and through our testing and external validation from the Locomotion lab in Boulder, Colorado, Power Cranks have been proven to have the highest accuracy in real world scenarios (+/- 1.5%).

The Dual-Sided S-Works Power Cranks utilize separate strain gauge systems to individually measure the effort produced by each leg. This maximizes the accuracy of your total power numbers, plus it helps you to better understand your performance as fatigue increases and when you're recovering from injury. And with class-leading temperature compensation firmware and waterproof enclosures, Power Cranks are easy to live with. Calibration is only required during seasonal-type fluctuations in temperature, and the included wrench makes battery swaps a breeze.

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Rider Reviews

  • 2.3
  • 14 Reviews

Too Many Dropped Connections

The cranks are great but the power meter is unreliable. On almost every ride, I have multiple dropped connections, which totally throws your training metrics off. The dropped connections happen on both Garmin and Wahoo units. I am giving up and buying an another power meter.

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Worst power meter so far

I got these on my s works tarmac, it is the worst power meter that I ever had so far. Inaccurate and unreliable. Many of my friends who got these power meter had the same problems

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Better off with Dura-Ace

I've never been able to get the left crack to connect to my Garmin or the Specialised Ap , so only shows right side power output. Have replaced the batteries but still doesn't work. Aside from that, I've had to replace the bottom bracket after one month, replace a spider with another, and adjust the cranks when they started to wobble.



Problematic Power Drops and L/R Balance

Fit and finish is great but reliability is very poor. Power drops on many rides, sometimes never recovers. L/R balance figures are way off. I have Favero Assioma power meter pedals on my other bike and they have been flawless. Specialized needs to warranty these cranks.

Jon M.



I have used these on my Tarmac for 10 months . Left / right balance is inconsistent/inaccurate. Power stops working at random or gives inaccurate numbers and trying to recalibrate zero offset with the Phone App is a nightmare. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Is it too much to ask for a power meter that just works . My power2max was faultless paired with my previous s-works crank. Hugely dissappointed and feel ripped off.



Has so much potential to be great.

I want to love this thing. The weight is top class. The looks is pretty much the best you can have especially on S-works bikes. Stiffness, fit, finish, everything's perfect. Where it goes downhill is the power data. I don't have dropout issues like others here. My issue is left / right balance. At first when I got 43/57 readings I thought I was just not balanced. Although in the past on dual meters I have been always within 49/51 range. Then when I'm coasting I get 0%/100% although I'm not pedaling. Worst offender is when I unclip one pedal and pedal only with the other foot. I still get anywhere from 20/80 to 30/70. Funny thing is the total power I see on the unit is on par with what I feel and the overall data is comparable with other power meters. (i.e. If I climb a hill at a certain time at X power, and then climb with another power meter at the same amount of time, power cranks show comparable average power to that X number of the other meter) Worst is the final part. I'm on my second power cranks unit. I sold the first one due to the above issues. Switched to a dura ace single sided 4iiii unit which works perfectly. This one I got on a new bike hoping maybe my previous unit was melfunctioning. Same issues.



Specialized needs a recall, major safety concern!

At first I was blown away by this, though a bit hesitant with the external ""pods"". I was really only interested in the cranks, but you have no choice but power so we're taking a dive into that- previous cranks had an SRM spider. Everything installed very easy and was a smooth addition to my Tarmac... however, after getting ready to clean the bike I noticed the driveside power pod was half way on. I decided to wait a bit and see how it went but after traveling for business the whole thing had come off by the time of my arrival. I went to the nearest Specialized dealer and they promptly warrantied the cranks, but gave no explanation if this was a widespread issue. I went for one ride on them with no issue before traveling home. By the time I got home I went to check and the same power pod was half way off again. This time I decided to take it into my own hands and used some JB Weld for Carbon, we'll see how that goes although I'm interested in a response from Specialized. The first time these came off it went right into the drive-train so this is a failed product at best and a major safety liability at worst (ask SRAM). Who in their right mind thought using an adhesive on a stiff part exposed to high vibration stress was a good idea?

Nate C.


Must Have Power!

Love this set up-after install took about 5 min to download app, calibrate and start using. Really happy with this choice!



Easy upgrade from S-Works Carbon Road Crank Arms

Works great on my Tarmac as a swap in replacement. Updated from a solidly operating Power2Max Type S spider (single) power meter on S-Works Carbon Road Crank Arms. I rode a 200 km, 400 km, and 600 km on these so far in silence. Occasionally the power and cadence drops out to zero. It appears to be remedied by stopping and restarting pedaling for a second. Not a show stopper, but it would be great if a firmware update resolves the drop out issue.



Random power drop out.

Love the cranks but hate that the power meter randomly quits communicating with my Garmin or Zwift App. It happens on most every activity on the trainer or ride on the road.

